Friday, April 23, 2010

The Beginning...

This week I brave Singapore alone with my four precious children. My husband left for a week long business trip to Australia. I don’t mind that he is gone. I miss him of course…we all miss him and the routine of life with him. I especially miss the way he starts our day. We have yet to get an alarm clock in our room so I rely on him to set his phone. Each morning he sets his alarm and gets us all up at 6:00 sharp to start breakfast and get the two oldest on the bus by 6:50. Monday and Tuesday morning went along without too much to report, but this morning I turned off my alarm…

I awoke to two big eyes staring me in the face and a little precious voice of my youngest saying, “Mommy it looks like a tornado in our room." I sprang out of bed to see that we still had twenty minutes to spare before the bus arrived. I got the two oldest up and ready with time to spare before the huge tour bus arrived to pick up M and A. We waved good-bye and watched the bus move away down the narrow street, but the words from my son didn’t leave me. My room looks like a tornado…

As a wife and mom, I have been busy attempting to clear and sort out our new life in Singapore and waiting for the perfect moment to share our stories. Today at 6:20 a.m., my 4 year old made it very clear to me that there is not going to be the perfect moment when the tornado will clear. So, I decided today I needed to begin. Today, I needed to begin clearing the tornado in my 4 year olds room and begin clearing the tornado in my head of the stories I need to share.

Because I am getting a late start sharing our adventure, the stories are a bit delayed in real time much like tv shows here in Singapore. I also realize more clearly everyday that everything has a season and purpose under heaven…so I am okay with the slow start!

We hope you enjoy our stories as much as we love learning and living through them.


  1. Yeah! I loved reading this and am so excited to sit back and enjoy the show. You have so many wonderful things to share and I can't wait to read them all!

    Love you and miss you so much it hurts!

  2. So glad to see that you are online and doing your blog!! I will look forward to reading your stories. Your mom is very good at keeping us updated every week at our bible study. Now I can see it for myself! XOXO

  3. Love to read the blog. I had to giggle about the tornado, so cute. Cannot wait to read much more. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Callie, I am one of the ladies that attends the Bible study at Mary E's house...along with your mom and Lynne. Your account of your experiences is fascinating! I appreciate your attitude of realizing that everything can't be done and/or happen at once..."there is a time for everything." You are a good and your sister are both quite creative! What a great and super experience for all of you!! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sandy

